Spooky Hollow

Copper Foil Overlay Technique

Date:  Saturday, October 3        Time: 1pm to 5pm

38.00 – plus supplies

We’ll use pumpkin carving patterns and copper foil overlay technique for this fun-filled project.
These little circles make fabulous gifts and your friends will be seriously impressed that you made it yourself.

Tools & Supplies (available for purchase):

Safety Glasses
Soldering Iron, Controller and Stand
Flux, flux brush
50/50 Solder
Copper foil sheet
Exacto knife & fresh blades

e appreciate it when you buy your tools and supplies here at Harmony.
By doing so, you help ensure that your local stained glass store will be here
as a place for fun and learning for many years to come.

The Fine Print: Classes and Workshops that are cancelled at least 8 days in advance will receive store credit.
No-shows and cancellations with less than 8 days notice will forfeit tuition. Credits are not transferable to another person.


Harmony Stained Glass – 3512 Fairmont Parkway – Pasadena, Texas 77504 – 281-998-3381